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Grief Kind Spaces are weekly, in-person drop-in sessions held in the local community and run by trained volunteers. The sessions provide a safe, informal and supportive place for people aged 18 and over to come together and share their experiences of grief, helping attendees to feel heard and less alone. They are run by volunteers from Sue Ryder.

The sessions are welcoming and inclusive, whether you want to attend regularly to connect with others in similar situations or just drop in for a quick chat. The spaces are volunteer-led, with volunteers receiving training and guidance to help attendees connect with each other and share their experiences of grief through peer-to-peer support. Grief Kind Spaces is not a counselling service and attendees seeking more formal support will be encouraged to use Sue Ryder’s existing Online Bereavement Counselling Service or other support services.

Grief Kind Spaces in Leeds run in location in Headingley at present.

  • Headingley

    Village Hotel Leeds North , 186 Otley Road Headingley, Leeds LS16 5PR

    The Village Hotel

    Regular Opening hours:

    • Monday 10:00am - 12:00pm
  • Headingley Stadium

    1st Floor of the South Stand, Car Park E / Gate E Entry, AMT Headingley Rugby Stadium, St Michael's Lane, Headingley, Leeds

    Dr Keith Howard OBE Community Hub Room
    The Community Hub is on floor 1 of the South Stand. You have to go up the lift or take the central stairs and you will find the room is signposted from there.
    Use Car Park E/Gate E enrty, but there is overflow parking in Car Park F which is directly next to it. There is also plenty of parking for bikes or scooters.

    Regular Opening hours:

    • Tuesday 2:30pm - 4:30pm
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