Take a step towards prioritising your mental wellbeing and explore the diverse range of wellbeing groups and activities available online or in your local community.
The list below has lots of activities and groups by area of Leeds. Let us know if you spot any activities that are no longer running or that should be added and we’ll update our list!
Please note that groups and activities might have termly timetables, take breaks over school holidays or not run on Bank Holidays. Always follow links given, check on social media or contact them to make sure before you go.
City-wide and online
- 100% Digital Leeds – a Leeds City Council initiative working to ensure that everyone in Leeds has equal opportunity to use digital tools, technology, and services, in the right way for them. For the the latest digital inclusion events and training opportunities, follow 100% Digital Leeds on Eventbrite.
- Being You Leeds – groups, activities and training and awareness sessions for community wellbeing across Leeds. Explore their latest group timetable.
- Dance On Leeds – a fantastic opportunity for over 55s to try something new, get active and meet new people. There are sessions at 10 locations across Leeds, so find out more about place and time on the Dance On website, or contact Hannah Treharne by emailing hannahtreharne@yorkshiredance.com or calling 0113 243 8765 to find out more.
- Dance with Parkinson’s – dance classes designed to benefit your overall health by enhancing posture, coordination, strength, and balance. Available in-person or online, there’s a supportive and inclusive environment at various locations, including Pudsey, Meanwood, Otley, Saltaire and Bradford. Classes are open to individuals with Parkinson’s, caregivers, and family members. No dance experience is required – just a willingness to have fun and join in! Find out more on the Ascendance website or contact them: email classes@ascendance.org.uk or call 07933 685 359.
- Deaf EXperience Limited (DEX) – provides monthly groups for young deaf people aged 11 to 30.
- Dementia friendly activities in Leeds – find out about dementia friendly social and activity groups across Leeds.
- Forum Central – visit Forum Central’s website for all the latest event opportunities from Forum Central and other organisations for Leeds’s health and care sector.
- Leeds LGBTQ+ Community Consortium – runs a wide range of groups around Leeds and online, free for people who identify as members of the LGBTQ+ community. The Consortium aims to reduce social isolation amongst older, unwell, disabled or otherwise restricted members of the LGBTQ+ communities. Activities include pilates and swimming, art and poetry clubs, crafts and lots more.
- Leeds Recovery College offers free educational courses that focus on keeping us mentally and physically well. Courses are open to anyone in Leeds who would like to better look after their own wellbeing, work out what keeps them well and find ways to enjoy life more.
- Leeds Sanctuary – Monday Mindfulness runs every Monday lunchtime online at 12.30 pm. It’s a space where people can pause, be attentive to themselves and process their feelings. Sessions are run by a qualified mindfulness teacher and are free of charge. Please register on the Leeds Sanctuary website for the Zoom details. Leeds Sanctuary also hosts Leeds Craftivists, Saturday Sanctuary and other community activities.
- Let’s Unlock – what’s on for men in Leeds – find information about health and wellbeing groups and activities for men across Leeds. Look out for the Leeds Unlocked zine appearing in hubs, libraries, GP surgeries and community centres or contact lawrence@space2.org.uk if you want a copy.
- Mafwa Theatre – a creative theatre group for refugees, asylum seekers and settled communities in Leeds. Their Kuluhenna drama workshops for women run on Thursdays mornings and their Lincoln Greeners gardening group (for anyone) on Tuesday mornings. Use the form on Mafwa’s website to sign up (scroll down their page).
- MenoPause for Thought from Groundwork Yorkshire – a mixture of online and in-person menopause sessions. Venues are across the Outer South Leeds, including White Rose shopping centre, Greenside Methodist Church and Christ Church Lofthouse area. Find out more: email mandi.reeve@groundwork.org.uk.
- Men’s Health Unlocked – is a fantastic list of groups and services for men across Leeds and online. Explore the list for support groups, activities, fitness groups, creative opportunities, opportunities for dads or carers and lots more, all from different organisations across the city.
- Mental Health Mates Leeds – a kind and inclusive peer support group for everyone to be themselves, free from judgement. They meet up outdoors, within Roundhay Park, City Centre and in other communities, to gently walk, talk and connect… oh and have a brew! There’s no referrals, no waiting lists and it’s free to join – just turn-up. You can stay for as long as you wish and bring someone with you. For the latest meet-up activity, you can follow @mentalhealthmatesleeds on Instagram, search ‘Mental Health Mates Leeds’ on Facebook or email hellomhmleeds@gmail.com to join the mailing list.
- Peer Support Plus – Tuesday evening online peer facilitated support group, from 6.30pm on Zoom. Find out more about the group on their website and contact Peer Support Plus to attend: email enquire@peersupportplus.org. Find dates for upcoming meetings on the their calendar.
- Your Back Yard – a Leeds-based social enterprise helping people live healthier, more active and happier lives across West Yorkshire, and beyond! Based in Headingley, they offer online and in-person digital inclusion cafés and fitness groups, such as walking football in Bramley, tai chi on Zoom, a Headingley-based walking group, Crown Green bowling in Burley and yoga classes in Woodhouse. Find out more on their website and contact them by emailing contact@yourbackyard.org.uk or calling 07970 903 766.
North Leeds
LS6, LS7, LS8, LS16, LS17, LS21, LS22, LS23
- ADHD Peer Support Group has started meeting at the cafe in Waitrose, Green Road, Meanwood, LS6 4RJ. Everyone is welcome to join the friendly group, so contact Kirsty for more details: Email kirsty.jamieson@leeds.gov.uk or call 07566 759 576.
- Better Together provides community groups and activities to help address health inequalities, reduce isolation, and improve physical health and wellbeing across East North East Leeds. Groups change regularly and may include: swimming, breakfast clubs, walking groups, sewing and craft groups and sports groups. Find out more: call 0113 248 4880 or email SarahS@touchstonesupport.org.uk
- Craft2gether runs two community arts and crafts groups, providing social and creative support. Activities could include rock painting, macrame, badge making, knitting, collage and lots more! The groups are free or pay-as-you-feel and you can just turn up. The Tuesday group is 10.00am to 12 noon at Stainbeck URC Church, Stainbeck Lane, LS7 2PP and the Thursday group is 1.00pm to 3.00pm at Woodhouse Community Centre, 197 Woodhouse Street, LS6 2NY. Contact craft2gether.ls6@gmail.com for more information.
- Crochet Group – with Stitch-Up. A new weekly group on Mondays from 1.00pm to 3.00pm, starting 7 October 2024, based at the Stictch-Up studio in Meanwood Community Centre, LS7 2QU. Suitable for complete beginners and those with some experience, you can bring your own crochet project or take part in a local community project. Pay-as-you-feel, book your spaces weekly via eventbrite: stitch-up.eventbrite.com.
- Dance with Parkinson’s – dance classes designed to benefit your overall health by enhancing posture, coordination, strength, and balance. Available in-person or online, there’s a supportive and inclusive environment at various locations in Leeds, including Headingley. Classes are open to individuals with Parkinson’s, caregivers, and family members. No dance experience is required – just a willingness to have fun and join in! Find out more on the Ascendance website or contact them: email classes@ascendance.org.uk or call 07933 685 359.
- Feed Yourself Well from Season Well CIC is a monthly growing and outdoor cooking group near Headingley Station, for people with complex mental health problems. Find out more about referrals in our service directory or email hello@seasonwell.co.uk
- Feel Good Factor – running weekly activity and social groups including warm spaces, gardening groups, men’s groups, deaf BSL wellbeing group and socials. Contact 0113 350 4200 or email office@fgfleeds.org.
- The FGF Choir meets on Fridays from 10.00am to 11.00am at Feel Good Factor, LS7. All welcome. Contact Shabana for more information, email: shabana@fgfleeds.org / tel: 07523 515267
- FGF Deaf Cafe meets every two weeks at Leeds Playhouse, and you can watch a short film about it here. If you would like to join in please contact Tracey, email: tracey@fgfleeds.org / tel: 0752 351 5266
- Grief Kind Spaces – weekly drop-in groups for anyone aged 18 and over who’s been bereaved, meeting on: Mondays at the Village Hotel, Headingley and Fridays at Headingley Stadium.
- Heads, Hearts and Hands – a transformative seven-week course designed to support women in Leeds with complex mental health needs. Run by Humans Being, the course supports women in finding energy for what they love, expanding their comfort zone, and feeling more in control of their lives. There are four courses available between September 2024 and March 2025 at Lovell Park Hub, LS7 1DA. Visit the Humans Being website to find out more and sign up for the course.
- Joyful Drama Group – a free, friendly drama group on Thursdays from 10.30am to 12 noon pm at the Heart Centre, Bennett Road, Headingley LS6 3HN. Run by Carers Leeds and Fall into Place Theatre, the group has ‘pop-along’ drama sessions for the chance to try something new and fun in a friendly setting. There’s no pressure to perform, you can just come when you can and enjoy the fun! If you’d like to go along and see if drama might be for you, you can email info@fallintoplace.co.uk to sign up and to ask about access or transport.
- Leeds Mindful Men at Oblong Leeds – Oblong is organising a group and a safe space for men to connect, share thoughts and opinions and thrive together to improve lives. Please share and come along if you think this group will help your well-being..
Email milly@oblongleeds.org.uk for more information.
- Peer Support Plus – Wednesday afternoon peer facilitated support group, at Lovell Park Hub, LS7 1DX, from from 1.30pm. Find out more about the group on their website and contact Peer Support Plus to attend: email enquire@peersupportplus.org. Find dates for upcoming meetings on the their calendar.
- Pram in the Park – a six week led walk with prams/buggies at Potternewton Park, LS7. Thursdays at 10.30am, starting 5 October 2023. No booking needed, just show up post six week check-up. Contact Victoria.cusack@leeds.gov.uk for more details.
- Re-engage social activity group in Chapeltown for people 75+. It’s free to attend, very relaxed, with games, music, fun and refreshments. Meets fortnightly on Wednesdays, from 1.30pm to 3.30pm at the Leeds Media Centre, LS7 3HZ. Contact them for more information: call 0113 529 0200 or 0800 716 543, or email leedseast@rightathome.co.uk or info@renegage.org.uk
- Seva Lunch Club – Tuesdays and Wednesdays from 12 noon to 2.00pm. A ‘Pay What You Can’ restaurant run by local people, for local people to come together and eat together. Anybody can come, no need to book. There is also a self-service continental breakfast served from 10:00am to 12 noon on Tuesdays and Wednesdays. Contact Woodhouse Community Centre by calling 0113 245 9610.
- Shore-Up Social Club – a social club that meets on the last Saturday of every month from 2pm to 4pm.
- Sikh Mental Health and Wellbeing is collaborating with Taraki, to hold Panjabi Men’s Peer Support Spaces, as a part of the “Chai in the City movement”. Aiming to reduce social isolation and discuss a range of various topics regarding mental health and wellbeing. SHINE in Harehills as one venue.
- Sunday Friendly Mixed Social Tennis – weekly on Sundays from 2:30pm at The Tennis Courts, Roundhay Park, LS8 2ER. Find out more: search on MeetUp for Sunday Friendly Mixed Social Tennis at Roundhay Park Leeds.
- The Old Fire Station – is a multipurpose community hub. It houses six charities, rooms available to hire, a cookery school, a cafe and various groups and courses to promote mental health and wellbeing See their What’s On information page or get in touch to find out more, call 0113 213 6813 or email reception@theoldfirestationgipton.org.uk.
- The Present – a free six week programme for women using simple bodywork from yoga and kung fu to help you feel safe and at ease in your own body. Running on Mondays from 12 noon to 2pm, at Oblong, Woodhouse Community Centre, LS8 2NY. To register or find out more contact lucy@oblongleeds.org.uk or phone 0113 245 9610.
East Leeds
LS9, LS14, LS15, LS25, LS24, LS25
- Better Together provides community groups and activities to help address health inequalities, reduce isolation, and improve physical health and wellbeing across East North East Leeds. Groups change regularly and may include: swimming, breakfast clubs, walking groups, sewing and craft groups and sports groups. Find out more: call 0113 248 4880 or email SarahS@touchstonesupport.org.uk
- Big Club Fitness – community gym-based session with direction for beginners, catered to bigger bodies. No experience needed and one-to-one support offered. Meets on Thursdays from 10.00am to 11.00am at the Denis Healey Centre, LS14 6RD. Email seacroftcommunityontop@outlook.com for more details.
- Chairobics class – a great way to gently improve movement and strength to prevent slips and falls – especially important in the winter! Runs on Mondays at 10:30am, at The Old Fire Station, LS9 6NL. Ring 0113 0213 6813 to book in or call in on the day!
- Chapel FM Writing Group – in-person and onlline, come and explore your love for poetry, stories and spoken word in a supportive and creative environment. No previous writing experience needed. The group meets on Wednesdays from 1.00pm to 2.30pm at Chapel FM Arts Centre, LS14 6JB. Email info@chapelfm.co.uk for more details.
- Craft with Dawn – a chance to be creative at this weekly group, trying a variety of fun crafts in a friendly environment. Held on Mondays from 12.30pm to 2.30pm in the Space2 art studio, The Old Fire Station, Gipton Approach, Leeds LS9 6NL. Find out more: call Dawn on 0113 240 6677 or 0783 571 9848, or email dawnjohnson@zestleeds.org.uk. If you’d like to get involved, meet new people, and try out some different arts and crafts week-to-week, get in touch through any of the contact details listed
- East Leeds Men’s Art Group – a space to get creative for men at Nowell Mount Community Centre, Nowell Mount, Harehills LS9 6HR. Run by the East Leeds Project, no art experience is needed to join this relaxed and friendly group – just turn up! Meets on Thursday from 11.00am to 1.00pm, art materials are provided and lunch is included. For more information, call: 07946 870 117 or email info@eastleedsproject.org.
- Feed Yourself Well from Season Well CIC is a weekly cooking group in based at Chapel FM, for people with complex mental health problems. Find out more about referrals in our service directory or email hello@seasonwell.co.uk
- Kuluhenna Drama workshops – this women’s only group meets every Thursday morning at 10.30am to 12 noon at the Anglers Club, Nippet Lane, Leeds, LS9 7TB. Come along to make friends, have fun and develop your acting skills. All workshops are free to attend and everyone is welcome. A crèche is also available.
- Life and Loss – run by Being You Leeds and We Are Seacroft. Meets once a month on Wednesdays from 6.00pm to 7.30pm at the LS14 Trust Cafe, Ramshead Hill, Leeds LS14 1BT. Come and share or just listen to talks about life, death and dying – a safe space for conversation. Follow @beingyouleeds on Facebook or see the Being You Leeds page on MindWell for the latest dates. Email magsg@beingyouleeds.org.uk or call/text 0748 451 5520 for more details.
- Men’s Pie Club – this men only group runs weekly on Thursdays from 3.00pm to 5.00pm at Wykebeck Day Centre, Wykebeck Valley Road, Leeds LS9 6NR. The club offers a pie, cup of tea and a chat. Men’s Pie Club believes in talking, looking out for each other – and pie! Call 07925 575 961 or email chris@menspieclub.co.uk for more details. Please complete the online form to book your place. Look out for more clubs starting in Leeds soon.
- Men’s Songwriting Group – at St Vincent’s Centre. Join in for an inspiring session of music and connection! Every other Thursday, (started 12 September 2024) from 2.00pm to 4.00pm. meeting at St. Vincent’s Centre, 4 Berking Avenue, LS9 9LF. Contact them for more information: call 0113 248 4126 or email TimD@svp.org.uk
- Mind, Body and Soul women’s group – from Space2 runs weekly on Wednesdays from 10.00am at Space2, The Old Workshop, Gipton Approach, Leeds LS9 6NL. This women’s group will offer the chance to build confidence, learn new skills and create art. Contact Jelena to join or find out more: email jelena@space2.org or call 0113 320 0159. Download a flyer for more details.
- Norwell Mount Community Group – join the Facebook page to find out about latest events at Nowell Mount Community Center, Harehills, Leeds LS9 6JJ.
- Singing Songbirds – women’s singing group starting in April 2024 with Being You Leeds, offering the chance to learn songs old and new, connect with other women and get creative. It will run on Wednesdays from 10.30am-12 noon at 41-47 Cromwell Mount, LS9 7ST. Contact the Being You Leeds team on 0113 248 4880 or info@beingyouleeds.org.uk to book a place.
- Social Squad – at Leeds Society for Deaf and Blind People, runs every two weeks on Saturdays from 1.00pm to 4.00p at The Centre, St Mary’s Street, LS9 7DP. It’s a fun group, led by ideas from members. Contact Christine for more information: email christine.roche@lsdbp.org or text 07721 422 261.
- Space2 – Space2 is an award winning arts and social change charity, based in inner East Leeds. Find out what’s on by viewing their timetable.
- Strega Running Club – is a dedicated women’s-only running community based in Leeds LS9, offering a secure and encouraging environment for local women to enjoy in outdoor exercise. The club focuses on physical fitness, social connections and promoting overall wellbeing. They aim to empower women of all ages and fitness levels, with weekly running sessions, monthly social gatherings and occasional walking activities. Find out more on their Instagram page @stregarunning.
- Temple Newsam Tea and Talk – join in on the last Wednesday (except December) of every month at 11am to 12 noon for an hour of sociable history in the stunning surroundings of Temple Newsam House. A talk will be delivered by an expert member of staff and refreshments will be provided. There’s no need to book ahead, just drop-in and the sessions are completely free.
- Walk it: Ride it – First steps to walking group – weekly group based in East Leeds, helping people to improve thier confidence, fitness and walking skills. Contact Joe for more information: email joek@touchstonesupport.org.uk. or call 07741 328 786.
- Wandering and Wondering – a lovely walking group in the beautiful green spaces in Seacroft. Meets on Thursdays from 10.30am to 12.30pm, starting from the LS14 Trust, 45 Ramshead Hill, LS14 1BT. Followed by tea and biscuits back at LS14 Trust. Make sure you have footwear and clothes suitable for the weather. Friendly dogs are welcome!
- Women’s health and retreat – a women’s only wellbeing group that meets every Monday between 10am and 1pm at Hamara Healthy Living Centre, Tempest Rd, Leeds LS11 6RD. Activities include arts and crafts, mindfulness activities, stress management, improving English skills and more. For more information call 011 277 3330 or email admin@hamara.co.uk
West Leeds
LS4, LS5, LS12, LS13, LS18, LS19, LS20, LS28, LS29
- Board games in Horsforth – a monthly Autism friendly and inclusive board games session meets on the first Tuesday of the month from 2.00 pm to 4.00 pm at St Margaret’s Parish Church Centre, Horsforth, LS18 5LA. The group is free to attend and refreshments are available. Run by Cards or Die Board Gaming, you can find out more on their Facebook page or by emailing cardsordie@gmail.com.
- Hookers and Clickers – knitting and crochet for charity projects, they hold regular meet-ups at KVDT, St Stephen’s Church, Norman Street, Kirkstall, LS5 3JN, usually Wednesdays from 10.00 am to 1.30 pm. Follow them on Facebook @hookclickforcharity for updates.
- Making Waves – trans and non-binary swimming group with Trans Leeds. Meeting at Bramley Baths, Broad Lane, LS13 3DF, two Sundays a month from 5:30pm to 6:30pm. The group is free to join, but booking is required. With poolside cubicles, gym and pool access. Contact them for the next dates: call 0800 183 1486 or email genderoutreachworker.lypft@nhs.net.
- Mental Health Swims Ilkley group – Mental Health Swims is a mental health peer support community. They host free, safe and inclusive swim meet ups nationwide.The group in Ilkley meets monthly on a Sunday morning, from 10.30am, meeting at the Old Bridge.
- New Horizons Mental Health Support Group – free to attend and open to the people of Yeadon, Otley and the surrounding areas. This is a group for people with mild to moderate mental health issues to explore coping strategies in a safe environment. Faciliated by members of staff from Leeds Mental Wellbeing Service. Refreshments provided! Please either call or text Craig on 07484 910 909 to book a space.
- New Wortley Community Centre has a variety of free wellbeing and social activities from Monday to Friday, including a creative arts workshop, men’s activities group, women’s activity group, writing group, dance classes, yoga and relaxation, creative cooking course, walking group and a cultural café. You can find out more on their website or view their timetable for activity times. If you have any questions or to book your place, contact reception on 0113 2793 466 or email Miranda at miranda.mohit@newwortleycc.org.
- The Affordable Art Class – starts in September at Fairfield Community Centre, Fairfield Terrace, Leeds LS13 3DQ. This free art class will be on Fridays from 1 pm to 3 pm and is for anyone who lives in West Leeds and is interested in drawing and painting in a relaxed environment. You can find out more on @CentreFairfield on Twitter. Book early, don’t miss out! Email: fairfieldcommunitycentre1@gmail.com.
- The Highrise Project – offers a range of inclusive and accessible social and wellbeing events, including group drawing, doodling, and digital art classes. Edek’s Doodle Chat is a space to talk, get creative and support each other. Everyone welcome. Tuesdays 2pm to 4pm. See website timetable for full details and other creative sessions.
City Centre
LS1, LS2, LS3, LS11
- Andy’s Man Club Board Game Club – meets fortnightly on Tuesdays from 6.00pm to 8.00pm at Geek Retreat, First Floor, Unit 19, Central Arcade, Central Road, Leeds LS1 6DX. Visit the Club’s Facebook page for the latest dates (started 7 May 2024).
- Coffee and cake drop-in with Out Together LGBT+ at Flamingos Coffee House, Central Arcade, LS1 6DX, Wednesdays from 10.30 am to 12 noon. Out Together creates communities for older LGBT+ people. Keep up-to-date on their website or social media.
- Community Choir – at Leeds City Museum. Join the monthly community choir at Leeds City Museum, Millennium Square LS2 8BH. Free, fun, and open to all – just drop in! They have warm up exercises and songs to promote wellbeing, along with a chance to connect with people. When: first Friday of the month from 2:30pm to 4:00pm.
- Leeds Angels Football – Angels of Freedom are working with the Leeds United Foundation to deliver provide weekly free football training, open to LGBTQ+ communities and allies – all fitness and skill levels welcome, no experience required. Playing on Saturdays from 11am to 12 noon at Powerleague Central Leeds, Wellington Bridge Street LS3 1LW. All experience and fitness levels welcome, including absolute beginners. Sessions are non-competitive and focused on fitness and fun. No booking required, just turn up on the day. More information from info@angelsoffreedom.org.uk.
- Mall walking at White Rose Centre – a great way to exercise in a safe, warm and dry environment, make new friends and have fun at the same time. The White Rose Centre Mall Walking takes place from 9am to 10am on weekdays, when the centre is closed to shoppers. Benefits include improved health, the opportunity to walk whatever the weather, meeting like-minded people, discount vouchers and two coffee mornings a year with raffles and free refreshments. Walk this way and call at the Customer Service Centre located on the lower level next to New Look to register – explore the centre’s map if you’re not sure.
- Meet & Make – Meet & Make run adult only sessions inspired by Leeds Art Gallery current exhibitions and displays and offer a space to be playful and creative. Drop-in sessions run on the last Friday of the month from 1.30pm to 3pm.
- Saturday Sanctuary – Leeds Sanctuary’s monthly relaxed space to start your weekend, with newspapers and board games, and free tea, coffee and pastries. It’s a chance to meet your neighbours in the Dock area, from 10.00 am to 12 noon at The Glass Box, Leeds Dock, LS10 1PZ. Visit their website for upcoming dates.
- Social Over Soup at Age UK Leeds – the SOS (Social Over Soup) is free for people aged over 50 in Leeds. Go along to enjoy a hot bowl of soup, meet new people and enjoy a natter. It’s held on Tuesdays from 12.30pm at the Age UK Leeds community hub, just at the side of the St John’s Centre. No need to book, just go along and a warm welcome will be waiting! Contact Age UK Leeds for information about their activities: call 0113 389 3000 or email info@ageukleeds.org.uk.
- Women’s Swimming takes place every Wednesday from 9.30am to 11.45am at Quarry House, Leeds LS2 7UA. Cost is £3 including transport from Feel Good Factor and back. Booking is essential. Contact Shabana 07523 515267 or shabana@fgfleeds.org.
South Leeds
LS10, LS11, LS12, LS26, LS27
- Brickfield Bootcamp – free active session in Brickfield Park (Lady Pit Lane) every Monday from 6.30pm to 7.30pm throughout summer 2024. All fitness levels welcome. Age 16+. Contact 07917 157 830 for more details.
- Brickfield ParkPlay – make friends, have fun, get moving. Come and meet Aidan and James at Brickfield Park every Saturday from 10.30am for games, activities, fun and a community that’s here for you. Register today.
- Groundwork courses – held at the Groundwork Learning Centre in Morley, LS27 9SL, there’s a range of courses each term, including digital skills, green skills, confidence building and arts and crafts. Visit the Learning Centre website or follow them on social media @groundworkyorkshire to keep up-to-date.
- Hamara men’s gardening and woodwork group – spend time in the fresh air, planting, growing and tasting, and take part in woodwork activities! On Wednesdays, from 10.00am to 12 noon, at Hamara Healthy Living Centre, Tempest Road, Beeston, LS11 6RD. Free of charge, for men aged 17+. Find out more: contact Sarah on 07470 977 878, email admin@hamara.co.uk or call Hamara admin on 0113 277 3330.
- Holbeck Together Games Night – this free Games Night is located at St Matthews Church, Holbeck and is open to all ages and family friendly. They meet every Saturday, 5pm – 7pm until the end of March.
- Holbeck Together Gym Group – this free gym group takes place every Thursday, from 4:30pm – 5:30pm. Attendees must be over 16. For more info, call Seb on 07484 515517, or email sebastiane@beingyouleeds.org.uk.
- Mental health PEER support group – a safe and confidential environment that meets every Tuesday from 3.45pm. It’s free to attend, donations welcome and refreshments provided. It meets at Involve Learning Centre, LS10 2QE. Disabled access and facilities available. Contact Stewardt and Brian for information: call 07419 776 356.
- Mental Health Swims St Aidan’s group – Mental Health Swims is a mental health peer support community. They host free, safe and inclusive swim meet ups nationwide.The group at RSPB St Aidan’s, LS26 8AL meets monthly on a Saturday morning, from 10.00am.
- South Leeds Community Kitchen – this community kitchen launched in St. Luke’s Church, Holbeck in May 2023 and will be open on the second Sunday of every month from 4pm to 5.45pm. There’s free, nutritious, hot food, board games, toys for kids and friendly faces to chat to. They serve gluten-free/halal/vegan options also and the meals are family-friendly, with a different theme every month. There’s no referral system required, just drop in and join in!
Explore other wellbeing activity and peer support groups in Leeds
Creative groups and activities
You can find a wide range of organisations in Leeds that can help you to enjoy arts activities, events, workshops and classes.
Explore creative activity groups
Physical exercise groups and activities
If you’re looking to improve your mental health or wellbeing through exercise or moving more, you’ve come to right place. Explore the range of free or low-cost physical activity groups and activities available in your local community.
Explore physical activity groups
Outdoor groups and activities
There are also gardening and allotment groups around Leeds, which encourage people to get together to grow and nurture plants, develop their garden care skills, get some exercise and have a chat.
Explore outdoor activity groups
Peer support groups
Peer support brings together people with similar experiences so that they can help and support each other. Joining a support group can help you to develop effective ways of coping in a safe, friendly and supportive space.