Poor mental health costs UK employers between £33 billion and £42 billion a year (Thriving at Work report, 2017). It’s also the leading cause of sickness absence in the UK (Health and Sickness Executive, 2018).

Investing time and resources in staff wellbeing is good for everyone and makes financial sense.

Why we should all prioritise wellbeing at work

There are many benefits to you in adopting a proactive and preventative approach to wellbeing in your workplace.

  • Increased staff commitment and productivity
    When staff feel valued, supported, and listened to, they’re more likely to stay engaged, work positively with colleagues, and perform at their best.
  • Better staff retention
    A positive workplace culture that promotes high morale and loyalty encourages staff to stay longer, reducing recruitment costs.
  • Reduced sick leave and absenteeism
    Meeting staff wellbeing needs helps reduce sick leave and ensures that absences are shorter and more manageable.
  • A more resilient workforce
    Building resilience can help people cope better with day-to-day stresses at work and problems at home. And putting the right mental health and wellbeing strategies in place can help to stop problems from escalating.
  • An enhanced reputation
    Investing in wellbeing in the workplace sends a powerful message about your values and ethics, helping you attract talented people and stand out as a great place to work.

Work is an important part of most people’s lives, providing more than just an income. It can give us purpose, achievement, self-esteem, and opportunities to socialise, make friends and connect with others.

We often spend a substantial amount of our day working, so it’s inevitable that:

  • a workplace with high levels of stress and presenteeism (when someone feels they have to be at work but are not being fully productive) can affect someone’s mental health. This can lead to burnout and exhaustion
  • people experiencing mental ill health, or, major life changes or challenges, such as bereavementrelationship problemshaving a babydebt or a workplace restructure may struggle at work for periods of time

People experiencing mental health difficulties lose their jobs every year at around double the rate of those without a mental health problem. They also lose them at a much higher rate than those with a physical health condition (Thriving at Work report, 2017).

Working can sometimes have a negative effect on someone’s mental health but it can also have a very positive one as well. A supportive, inclusive workplace can help to prevent new mental health problems and support people struggling with their mental health to stay at work and thrive.

What does a supportive workplace look like?

Every employer has a responsibility to create a workplace where:

  • Staff wellbeing is a priority across all areas of the business.
  • People experiencing mental health difficulties, major life events or juggling caring responsibilities can talk openly without fear of stigma.
  • Communication is clear, there’s an open-door policy, and staff know what support is available and how to access it.
  • Flexible working is offered where possible, and a healthy work-life balance is encouraged.
  • People know what’s expected of them and have clear roles and responsibilities.
  • Workloads are manageable, and the organisational structure supports staff wellbeing.
  • People are given opportunities for growth and development, so they can make meaningful contributions.
  • The workplace culture is inclusive and welcoming, allowing everyone to feel they can be themselves.
  • Bullying, harassment, and discrimination are not tolerated.

Supporting staff during the cost-of-living crisis

The cost-of-living crisis has brought new challenges, and many people are feeling more stressed or anxious. Employers have a vital role to play in helping staff through these difficult times.


  • Offering flexible working options to help staff save money on commuting or balance their responsibilities more effectively.
  • Encouraging a healthy work-life balance, including regular breaks and time to recharge.
  • Understanding how financial pressures may affect staff and finding ways to support them.

Creating a positive working environment, even during tough times, can help staff feel supported and able to manage challenges.