Being You Leeds provides groups, activities and training and awareness sessions for community wellbeing across Leeds.

Doing Good Leeds is a central point of information to find volunteering opportunities in Leeds. Find out more in the MindWell Directory.

MindWell has our very own volunteering group. Find out how you can get involved. is a national website offering details of voluntary opportunities across the country. You can search for local roles or organisations and narrow it down by the sort of volunteering you want to do and when you’re available. You can even find volunteer roles you can do from home.

The Employer Supported Volunteering project at Voluntary Action Leeds (VAL) helps companies and statutory organisations find volunteer opportunities with charities and non-profit organisations. These can be for individual employees to share their skills or teams of colleagues to spend a day doing practical activities like painting, gardening or supporting an event. To find out more, contact VAL by email at There may be a charge to the employer for this service.

Being a good neighbour
: Supporting one another has never been more important than it is now. There are lots of ways you can help in your community and support neighbours, during the coronavirus outbreak and beyond. Download the Being a Good Neighbour Pack, produced by Voluntary Action-Leeds, for tips to safely help others.

Become a Winter Friend: A Winter Friend is someone you can count on, who is a friendly and helpful member of the community and genuinely cares about the wellbeing of the people around them.