It’s important to notice how you think about yourself when dealing with your finances or worrying about money. Do you blame yourself or talk to yourself in a harsh way?

Not having enough money is often not due to personal choices or decisions but because of bigger, more complex reasons that we can’t control right now. Remember, the cost of living crisis is affecting a lot of people and many think that not enough is being done to help people who are struggling.

The way you think and talk about yourself relates to your self-esteem. This is the measure of how you feel about yourself – whether you believe in your abilities and think you deserve to be loved and respected. Sometimes, not having enough money can negatively affect your self-esteem if you think things like ‘I’m not good enough’ or ‘It’s my fault’.

Over time, thinking and talking about yourself in a negative way can lower your confidence and lead to feelings of hopelessness. Not having enough money is a difficult situation and facing it is a positive thing to do.

If you’re struggling with your self-esteem or lack confidence in your ability to deal with your money concerns, try thinking about what you’re good at and what strengths other people see in you.

Improve your self-esteem and help others