This content is written and produced by Touchstone.

Who are we?
Being You Leeds, provides groups, activities, training and awareness sessions for community wellbeing across Leeds.
Being You Leeds promotes positive wellbeing with people in Leeds in 3 ways:
- Providing groups and activities focusing on wellbeing. These fun, welcoming groups run 7 days a week, including weekends, and are based around activities chosen by group members.
- Providing training and awareness raising sessions to staff and volunteers working in community organisations and to members of the general public in Leeds.
- Tackling Mental Health Stigma and Discrimination, through all of our activities and training, campaigns and with a strategic partnership.
Being You Leeds is run by a partnership of third sector organisations. This partnership is made up of: Touchstone, Barca, Hamara, Health for All, Holbeck Together, LS14 Trust, Women’s Health Matters, Community Links and Humans Being.

Five Ways to Wellbeing
Everything Being You Leeds does is linked to the ‘Five Ways to Wellbeing’. These are five steps you can take to improve your wellbeing and stay well for longer which are:
- Connecting with others to reduce loneliness
- Learning new things to get our creative juices flowing
- Being active, whether that’s going for a short walk or getting involved in a sporting activity
- Giving to others to remind us of all the wonderful qualities and skills we already have
- Taking notice of our surroundings to ground us in the world around us and help us keep calm.