Leeds Mental Wellbeing Service
Leeds Mental Wellbeing Service provides support and psychological therapies for common mental health problems, such as anxiety, depression and panic attacks.
The service offers a number of different support options:
- Online self-help video courses you can access straight away including:
- Stress and anxiety
- Panic attacks
- Managing stress in parenthood
- Depression
- Understanding self-esteem
- Bereavement
- Mindfulness
- Postnatal depression
- Live online courses to help you cope with stress, sleeping problems and depression, for example
- Talking therapies delivered one-to-one, in groups and online for problems such as:
- Depression
- Anxiety
- Panic attacks
- Phobias
- Obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD)
- Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
- Some eating disorders, especially bulimia
- Perinatal support for mothers and partners during pregnancy and in the first year after birth, delivered one-to-one, in groups and online
If you’re over 17 years of age and registered with a Leeds GP, you can refer yourself on the service website. A number of questions will pop-up – these are to make sure you are being directed to the right service. You don’t need to see your GP to access this service although your GP will be updated about your treatment.